Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jamie Walker: Lover of God, people, freedom, America, and chicken sandwiches.

I’ve tried to resist the feeling or the need to qualify my thoughts and actions today.  But out of my deep disdain for being misunderstood, I feel I must clarify a few things.

Those who know me personally know where I stand on Biblical issues.  I am madly and passionately in love with Jesus.  After all, he endured an excruciating death on a cross to save me from my sins, which are many.  But like Jesus, I refuse to throw stones from the “right” or the “left.”  And like Jesus, I am passionate about speaking out against injustice, even if it means calling out the religious zealot.  And most importantly, like Jesus, I feel that anything I do that is void of love is garbage.

That being said, I also have a fondness for chicken sandwiches ( I know…big surprise, right?!).  Ok, ok…well…not just any chicken sandwich.  You know I’m talking Chick-fil-a here, and if I need to be more specific, I’m talking the #3 combo – spicy chicken sandwich, waffle fry, diet coke.  Yum.  

But Chick-fil-a and I have a love hate relationship.  I love how it tastes.  I hate how it makes my thighs look.  I love that they have a drive-thru for “chikin’ cravin’ convenience.  I hate when those cravings come on….ugh…a Sunday.   I love that they have built thier business of Biblical principle and service is always their “pleasure.”  But did I mention that sometimes I want chicken sandwich “pleasure” on Sundays?  But I digress…

So you see, the truth is, I love Jesus.  I love people.  I love chicken.  And let me add to this list - I love the USA and I love freedom!  I can’t imagine living anywhere else.  The rights we have as US citizens to practice freedom of speech and religion are base.  When municipal government officials threaten to ban businesses based on their religious or political affiliation, I have to take issue with this.  I’m speaking as an American, not as a Christian.  If the city of Tulsa were to start banning business licenses to Muslims, African-Americans, and homosexuals based on their socio-political or religious beliefs, I would be right there to stand beside them and say, “this is un-American!”

So I took my family out for Chick-fil-a today to express my freedom to “Eat Mor Chikin,” to honor everyone who has served this country to fight for that freedom, and to stand beside and affirm a business that is exercising its right to operate its business under Biblical principles.  My delicious breakfast was by no means a stone’s throw.  Because I honestly don’t have any to righteously throw at you.  It was standing up for the right for all to do commerce regardless of race, creed, sexual affiliation, or religion. 

I have to close this out by saying that I don’t live my life inside a Christian bubble.  I value and love all people and I have relationships with people from all backgrounds.   I hope all of you who know me well know that we can still love each other and not agree on every single topic.  If I had to “break up” with all my friends every time I disagreed with them on a topic, I’d have no friends.   Heck, if I got upset every time I disagreed with my husband, we’d be divorced by now.  But because the thread of love is stronger than the speck of dispute, we trudge ahead.  So there you go.  You know where I stand, but regardless, you know I LOVE YOU!  Now, if you’ll excuse me while I go stuff my face with a spicy chicken sandwich.   

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